Hey everyone! So now I'm chillin with some friends and they inspired me to blog about them. Have you ever looked at your friends and realized not one of you has the same style? Well that's the way it is with my friends. My friend Sydney, the one I wished happy birthday to a couple days ago, style is hippy. Himynameislisi, Lisi describes her style as chillster. Which is sort of anthropologyish. Liza is skater girl. Claire is cute tank-top and jeans. Julia is laid back frenchie style. Megan is comfy glam. And me? I'm preppy. See? Not one of us is alike, fashionwise. That's why fashion is made up of style. So there's the end of your lecture. I'll talk to you later!
Passion4Fashion <3
oooo yaaaa CHILLSTA FTW